How Bathala (god) Named Kabunian Created Humans

The Truth about Yesterdays….

How Bathala (god) named Kabunian Created Humans

Bathala Kabunian is the god of the Ifugao, and he’s very lonely because there is no existence of living creatures on this world, no such humans around.
One day, Bathala Kabunian went to Pulog Mountain in order to create humans.

Bathala Kabunian said: “I have to create humans, in order for them to guard and cultivate the beauty of the surroundings”

Bathala Kabunian again said: “I make three types of humans according to their skin colors”

While Bathala Kabunian sitting on the big rock, he gathered soft clay mud and shaped it a design in order to make humans out of it. He made it slowly not knowing that it’s too dark already and those dark colors of the surroundings stick to the surface of the soft clay mud.
Bathala Kabunian said: “It’s too dark already; I continue tomorrow to create another two humans out of clay mud.
Then, Bathala Kabunian fall asleep….

When Bathala Kabunian waked-up, even if the surroundings are still dark, he then makes another human made out of shaped clay mud.
Bathala Kabunian just finished that second human shaped in clay mud while the sun already starts shining on the horizon.
The whitish color of the sun rays strikes at the clay mud then the color of the model becomes white.

Bathala Kabunian said: “I already made two humans out of clay mud.”

Bathala Kabunian again, gathered some clay mud and start creating another human form model. The sun is already shining very high in the sky, its noon time and he already finished this third model. He then exposed to the sun rays to quickly dry out.
But Bathala Kabunian, suddenly falls asleep not knowing that he left the third model exposed to the sun due to extreme tiredness.
And when Bathala Kabunian wake up, that third clay mud model that he made the layers are in colored brownish “Kayumanggi Color”.

Bathala Kabunian said: “At least, I finally finished making these three types of clay mud models”
And in a blink of an eye, sorcery,
Those three types of clay mud models (Black, White, and Brownish people) soon become humans (ancestors) to where those people here on earth came from.


Article Written by mantis36

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